and communications technology (ICT) refers to all the technology used to handle
telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems,
audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and
monitoring functions (Janssen,
2010-2014) .
According to (Rouse, 2007-2014) ICT (information and
communications technology – or technologies) is a umbrella term that includes
any communications devices or application, encompassing: radio, television,
cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems
and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with
them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.
History of the term
Information technology has been available for
a long, long time. Essentially, as long as all individual have been around,
information technology has been everywhere because there were always ways of
communicating through technology available at any point of time. There are 4
main ages that divide up the history of information technology. Only the latest
age (electronic) and some of the electromechanical age really affects us today,
but it is important to learn about how we got to the point we are at with
technology today (Brady & Elkner, 2011) .
phrase Information and Communication Technology has been used by
academic researchers since the 1980s and the term ICT became popular
after it was used in a report to the UK government by Dennis Stevenson in
1997and in the revised National Curriculum for England, Wales and Northern
Ireland in 2000. But in 2012, the Royal Society recommended that the term ICT
should no longer be used in British schools "as it has attracted too many
negative connotations", and with effect from 2014 the National Curriculum
was changed to use the word computing
reflecting the addition of computer programming to the curriculum. A leading
group of universities consider ICT to be a soft subject and advise students
against studying A-level ICT, preferring instead A-level Computer Science (Unknown, About us: Information and communications
technology, 2014) .
term “information technology” evolved in the 1970s. Its basic concept, however,
can be traced to the World War II alliance of the military and industry in the
development of electronics, computers, and information theory. After the 1940s,
the military remained the major source of research and development funding for
the expansion of automation to replace manpower with machine power. Since the
1950s, four generations of computers have evolved. Each generation reflected a
change to hardware of decreased size but increased capabilities to control
computer operations. The first generation used vacuum tubes, the second used
transistors, the third used integrated circuits, and the fourth used integrated
circuits on a single computer chip. Advances in artificial intelligence that will
minimize the need for complex programming characterize the fifth generation of
computers, still in the experimental stage. (Unknown, ICT and Singapore's Education System, 2008)
Advantage and disadvantage
technology (IT) benefits the business world by allowing organizations to work
more efficiently and to maximize productivity. Faster communication, electronic
storage and the protection of records are advantages that IT can have on your
enterprise. Information technology has to do with computer applications, on
which nearly every work environment is dependent. Since computerized systems
are so widely used, it is advantageous to incorporate information technology
into your organization (Sheahan, 2014) .
The Effectiveness of ICTs in
Education. ICTs are a potentially powerful
tool for extending educational opportunities, both formal and non-for mal, to
previously underserved constituencies—scattered and rural populations, groups
traditionally excluded from education due to cultural or social reasons such as
ethnic minorities, girls and women, persons with disabilities, and the elderly,
as well as all others who for reasons of cost or because of time constraints
are unable to enroll on campus (Mohanty, 2011)
of the major barriers for the cause of ICT not reaching its full potential in
the foundation stage is teacher’s attitude. Within the early years education
attitudes towards ICT can vary considerably. Some see it as a potential tool to
aid learning whereas others seem to disagree with the use of technology in
early year settings. The use of ICT in the foundation stage is “unhealthy and
hinders learning”. Other early years educators who are opposed to offering ICT
experiences within the educational settings take a less extreme view than this
and suggest that ICT is fine, but there are other more vital experiences that
young children will benefit from, In theory some people may have the opinion
that the teachers who had not experienced ICT throughout their learning tend to
have a negative attitude towards it, as they may lack the training in that area
of the curriculum (Mohanty, 2011) .
Another important drawback to using ICT in schools is the fact that computers are expensive. According to the IT learning exchange (2001), in most schools ICT will be the single largest curriculum budget cost. This may be seen as a good thing but on the other hand there will be little money left over for other significant costs
Brady, W., & Elkner, J. (2011). About Us:
Intoduction to ICT. Retrieved December 9, 2014, from Introduction to
Information and Communication Technology Website:
Janssen, C. (2010-2014). About Us: Information
and communications Technology (ICT). Retrieved November 29, 2014, from
Technopedia Web Site:
Mohanty, R. R. (2011, February 19). ICT
advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved December 13, 2014, from blogspot
Rouse, M. (2007-2014). About us: ICT (information
and communications technology - or technologies). Retrieved December 13,
2014, from Searchcio Techtarget Website:
Sheahan, K. (2014). About us: What are the
Advantages of Information Technology in Business. Retrieved December 13,
2014, from Small businee Chronicle Website:
Unknown. (2008, November 9). ICT and Singapore's
Education System. Retrieved December 13, 2014, from Wiki Website:
Unknown. (2014, December). About us: Information
and communications technology. Retrieved December 13, 2014, from
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: